Wall systems used for fences and decorative elements
The Original
What makes GridWall+ special is its high quality construction of support columns made with HE-B steel beams (European standard according to DIN 1025), UI100 as well as heavy gauge wire mesh (0.19 - 0.23 inches or 6/5/6mm).
Clients choose from different types and colours of crushed rock with diameters of 1.5 to 2.3 inches (40-60 mm) for the fill.
The advantage of this wire cage construction is its slim profile and possible height up to 16 feet (5 metres). It proves superior for projects like slope stabilization, boundary enclosures and blinds.
However, the width of the GridWall will vary (get wider) with increasing height.
The Stones & More
GridWall with galvanized steel
No setting of crushed rock by hand is necessary. The mesh that holds the rock is made from hot dipped galvanized steel, and can easily be filled with small sized crushed rock.
The mesh has a material strength of 0.19 - 0.23 inches or 6/5/6mm, with mesh size 25/200 mm. With little compacting, it’s easy for the rocks to settle in a solid positon when the GridWall is being filled.
With its slim width of just under 4 inches (10 cm) GridWall+ is the slimmest in the market today.

GridWall- the decorative stone wall